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The WebCusso Platform

WebCusso is designed to be a platform for universally commenting over any webpages without having to logging in to their website. The following are the list of functionalities WebCusso Platform is currently building, scheduled to be finished by June 25th, and launch to the public by July 26th.

Easy to Use Extension

Simple, but powerful. Using the platform is as easy as opening any extension window over any webpage you are visiting. No switching to other pages, all Live and Upfront. 

Deepen the Dialogue

Reply directly to comments to build upon conversations and explore different perspectives, with options to upvote and downvote the posted comments.

Find the Best Content

Sort comments by "Recent" to see the latest discussions, "Most Upvoted" to discover popular opinions, or use our unique "Mixed" sorting that blends both recency and popularity for a well-rounded view.

Your Private space, where you can provide your personal info and socials.

Find Threads by Topic

The "Recent Threads" section lists newly created discussions based on the webpages they're attached to. (Coming Later): You can also explore discussions grouped by website domain through the "Domain Grouping" feature.

Read & React

Explore comments left by others on various websites and share your own personal insights.

Rate & Review

Provide valuable feedback by rating webpages on a scale of 0 to 100, thus you can score the webpage for its quality and contents. Easily see the overall rating of a webpage based on user input.

Receive notifications whenever someone replies to your comments, up-votes your contributions, or down-votes your point they disagree with.

Discover New Opinions

Explore the "Recent Comments" section to see the latest conversations happening across the entire platform.

WebCusso empowers you to actively participate in online discussions, share your voice, and discover valuable insights.

And, this is all just the beginning. We got a whole lot more to come like a chain, one after the other. Take a look at our exciting Roadmap for a glimpse.


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